Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Barcamp5 at Google Hyderabad, pics and little RAILS

Passionate RAILS developer Sumanth Krishna (sorry, if thats not the correct spelling) talking about RAILS and its usefulness for startups, the above picture from Barcamp5 at Google Hyderabad lists a few of Sumanth Krishna's recent favorites RAILS applications.

Ruby on RAILS in 10 points, yes thats almost all you need to know :).
Click on the "Read more" link below to have a look at a few more interesting pics and read..

Mantra of Ruby on RAILS framework, follow the convention and forget about the configuration.

This whole flow stuff looks complicated at the first glance but this makes life of a web developer so easy, everything has its own space to live in, there is no mess in RAILS unless you really want to mess it up.

If you are still lost in the sea of resources and trying to figure out where to start. The above stack of books is enough keep you busy for months. Though "Agile Web Development with Rails, second edition" is not included in the list above, I would recommend it to anyone who is still trying to figure out where to start with Ruby on RAILS. Thanks Murali for sharing this list.

For all those looking forward to get their hands dirty with RAILS, March 8th 2008 is the day. Yes you heard it right, there is a workshop on Ruby on RAILS scheduled to take place on 8th of March.

Nanda Gopal, founder and creator of www.atuitu.com and Sumanth Krishna smiling at the usual discussion going among the audience- "RAILS, django and CakePHP, which one is better??" You know the answer, don't you ;).


Amaltas said...

yes I know the answer, its Django.. whats your answer btw..

Rahul said...

I am relearning to program and has started with Ruby on RAILS :) but I am fine with any technology as long as they can be helpful to achieve my goals. I have hear that dJango is a pretty nice framework.

Amaltas said...

I wish to learn ruby on rails, but the learning curve seems to be long...

sumanth krishna said...

Hi Deepam,
Thanks for blogging on my sessio @ BarCamp5. The name of speaker you mentioned was Murali, sorry but my name is Sumanth Krishna. A can u pls correct it?

I did conduct workshop on March 8th as per scheduled and went on really well

Sumanth Krishna. A

Rahul said...

Thanks Sumanth for correcting me.