Friday, September 28, 2007

Directly from DishTV to computer

The ad goes like this "DishTV on Computer, double up your computer as a TV. The pioneer and the leader of DTH in India, dishtv, brings yet another revolutionary product, at least thats what they call it. A product that offers live tv on computer, digitally. It makes the computer doubleup as a television. Company says that it offers a dual advantage as it can bot be connected to your tv as well as your pc and you can enjoy your tv wherever you are :). Is that such a big deal?? I am not sure, I used to get my TV signal on my PC even before through a TV tuner card :). It wasn't digital though :(. This dual benefit comes for a price though..

You need to shell out about Rs. 1000 extra for the set that support this feature. If you ever dreamed of getting digital signal directly on your comp without the hassle of a tv tuner card, this is the rite time to give it a try. I will wait till it comes bundled with Internet and HDTV signals on it :)

if you are looking for more information :